SSCM Sahodaya Schools
Complex Muzaffarnagar
Sahaodaya School Complex Muzaffarnagar

Sahodaya School Complex Muzaffarnagar


01. NAME : The name of the complex shall be-

“Sahodaya School Complex, Muzaffarnagar Chapter” (SSCM).
02. INCEPTION: Formed on 05/08/2017 in a General Body meeting of all member schools at Spring Dale s Public School, Mansoorpur, Muzaffarnagar.
03. OFFICE : The registered office of the “Complex” is Golden Heart Academy, Khatauli, Muzaffarnagar and may be shifted
to any other place or places as decided by the Complex from time to time.
04. INTERPRETATION : The following terms shall be interpreted as mentioned below :
(a) Complex means Sahodaya School Complex, Muzaffarnagar Chapter.
(b) “THE STATE” means the state of Uttar Pradesh.
(c) Membership Eligibility: Schools affiliated to CBSE in district Muzaffarnagar ,U.P. can be members of the Complex.
05. OUR AIMS AND OBJECTIVES: A Sahodaya School Complex is a voluntary association of schools within an area which through mutual choices, have agreed to come together for a systematic and system wide renewal of the total educational process.
The major thrust areas are identified as follows-
(a) Human Resource Mobilization
(b) Professional Growth of Teachers
(c) Value Oriented School Climate
(d) Evaluation
The specific aims and objectives of setting up this Sahodaya School Complex are as follows:-
(a) To act as liaison between C.B.S.E. and member schools in implementation of its policies, projects, distribution of publications etc.
(b) To enable sharing of experiences and facilities for promoting inter-school collaboration.
(c) To encourage professionalism among teachers and educational innovativeness among member schools.
(d) To promote academic collaboration through teacher exchange, joint seminars and workshops.
(e) To provide a forum for active youth participation among member schools in development activities.
(f) To ensure observance of norms and conduct as prescribed by CBSE time to time.
06. MEMBERSHIPS : A new school should apply along with a copy of CBSE Affiliation Letter and Membership Fee. A letter should be brought from the authorized person of the school confirming about his/her post. Application for membership shall be sent in writing or through email along with the prescribed membership fee in advance to the Secretary, Sahodaya Schools Complex, Muzaffarnagar Chapter and its acceptance shall be decided by the Sahodaya Complex. * Membership Fee (Non-refundable): Rs. 2500/- have to be deposited along with the application form for which the applicant school will receive the fee-receipt. Funds accumulating out of the membership fee shall be kept in the form of a Current Account with a bank.
07. CESSATION OF MEMBERSHIP : Membership can be ceased. (a) Submitting application by the Head of the school for withdrawal. (b) Acting against the interest of the Complex. (c) 1. Not attending the Complex meeting 5 times continuously.(In case of members)
2. Not attending the Complex meeting thrice continuously.(In case of office bearers)
(d) Non-payment of dues for two years continuously even after issuance of notice.
The notice for the termination of membership shall be communicated to the concerned member in writing or through an email, after which the said member shall have the right to give his explanation to the Complex in this regard. The decision of Complex shall be final and binding to all the members.
08. GENERAL BODY : Members of the Complex represented by the Head/Principal of the School is called General Body. General Body is the supreme authority of the Complex. It shall formulate, amend its bye-laws, elect its office bearers, pass Annual Budget of the Complex, and ratify the resolutions passed in last General Body meeting.
The General Body shall sit at least three times in a year and in case of Emergency it can be convened at any time with telephonic information.
The management of the Complex and all its affairs shall be vested with the General Body. It shall exercise all such powers and do all such acts and things which are essential to attain the aims and objectives of the complex.
(a)The General Body shall accept new members and remove members who ceased to be the member as per clause 6(six) of the Bye-laws.
(b) To prepare Annual Budget for the Complex.

(c) To raise, maintain and invest funds in accordance with the rules and regulations of the Complex.

(d) To approve the expenditure of the Complex from time to time.

(e) Appoint staffs (employees) salaried or honorary to carry out day – to –day administration and implementation of its aims and objectives.

(f) To amend the bye-laws of the complex.

(g) To frame different rules and regulations for its smooth functioning.

(h) To purchase assets for the Complex.

(i) To fix the dates of different General Body Meeting.

(j) To form different Sub-committees and place its reports in the General Body meeting.

(k) To appoint qualified auditor and get its accounts audited.

(l) And to do all such acts or things which are essential for attaining the aims and objectives of the Complex as decided from time to time.
The members of the Complex shall in its Annual General Body Meeting specially convened for holding Election shall elect the following office bearers for a tenure of 2 years. The posts shall be Honorary, these eight office bearers constitute the Executive Body of the Complex.
09. EXECUTIVE BODY AND ITS DUTIES : Executive Body means all the eight office bearers.

(i) President – Ms. Ruhama Ahmad (Principal, Golden Heart Academy, Khatauli, Muzaffarnagar)

(ii) Vice-President –

Dr. Garima Verma (Principal, Maples Academy, Budhana, Muzaffarnagar)

Piyush Gupta (Principal, Mount Litera Zee School, Muzaffarnagar)

(iii) Secretary – Mr. Shiv Kumar (Principal, Suryadev International School Jolly, Muzaffarnagar)

(iv) Joint Secretary – Ms. Sonika Arya (Principal, Arya Academy International, Muzaffarnagar)

(v) Treasurer – Mr. Kamal Kumar Sharma (Principal, Shashwat Public School, Muzaffarnagar)

(vi) Regional Coordinator 1 (Tehsil Sadar)-

Mr. Manish Kumar (Principal, New Welkin Public School, Bhopa Road, Muzaffarnagar)

Regional Coordinator 2 (Tehsil Budhana)-

Mr. Vineet Kumar (Principal, Sunrise Public Junior High School, Budhana, Muzaffarnagar)

Regional Coordinator 3 (Tehsil Khatauli)-

Ms. Taruna (Principal, Spring Dales Public School, Mansoorpur, Muzaffarnagar)

Regional Coordinator 4 (Tehsil Jansath)-

Ms. Ritu Garg (Principal, Golden Bells Public School, Nangla, Muzaffarnagar)


(a) The body will follow the basic philosophy of Sahodaya.

(b) Will plan and monitor the Sahodaya Calendar for the academic year.

(c) Generate the resources to keep the pace of the learners with the new techniques.

(d) Allocate/Sanction budget for the various programmes to be held during the tenure.

(e) Organize Educational Training programmes with the help of member schools.

(f) Send timely information of the New Executive body to the CBSE Chairman and Regional Office.

(g) Allocate duties voluntarily to the member schools and heads in case of an event or programme.

(h) Executive Body shall meet once in a quarter to discuss. However, for the first six months, the Executive Body may meet every month to streamline the functioning of the Sahodaya.
10. POWERS AND FUNCTIONS OF THE EXECUTIVE BODY : Means the powers and functions of the 8 office bearers.
(a) PRESIDENT : The President is the chairperson of the Complex who shall preside over all the meetings. The Chairman shall have the right to cast its vote in case of Tie and shall become the President of all the committees and to do all other acts or things for attaining aims and objectives of the Complex.
(b) VICE- PRESIDENT: In the absence of the President, the Vice-President shall do all the acts or things vested with the President.
(c) SECRETARY : The Secretary shall be the custodian of all the records and assets, the books of account and money receipt. The Secretary shall be the Chief Executive Officer of the Complex and look after the execution of the policies and decisions taken by the General Body / Complex.
(d) JOINT-SECRETARY : In the absence of Secretary, the Joint Secretary shall do all such works of the Secretary and help the Executive Body in furthering the day-to-day affairs and management of the Sahodaya Schools Complex and assist the Secretary in all matters.
(e) TREASURER : The Treasurer will be the responsible for the collection of all funds & maintaining records & handing over the details (receipts) to the Secretary /Joint Secretary. In the absence of treasurer this responsibility will be borne by the Secretary or the Joint Secretary.
(f) REGIONAL COORDINATOR: Regional Coordinators will make an effort expand Sahodaya by apprising the newly affiliated schools about norms of CBSE & significance of Sahodaya and will help the President & the Secretary in carrying out and organizing Sahodaya activities in their regions.
11. ELECTION : The office bearers shall continue for a term of 2 years. The Election of office bearers shall be held on the 1st week of January and the General Body shall prepare the Election rules for its smooth conduct. The Office Bearers will be elected on rotation basis.
12. MEETINGS : All the meetings of Complex shall be convened by the Secretary in consultation with the President but requisition meetings shall be convened by the President of the Sahodaya Schools Complex.
13. NOTICE OF MEETING : Not less than 7 day notice shall be required for convening General Body and requisition General Body meeting but emergent General Body meeting shall be convened at short notice over telephonic message. The notice of the meeting shall be sent by an email on Sahodaya letter-head (scanned copy) under proper seal of the complex.
14. QUORUM : No business shall be transacted in any meeting unless at least one third of total members shall form the Quorum within 30 minutes from the schedule time. If no Quorum is present as per the schedule, the meeting shall be adjourned to some other date as decided in consultation with the President. Quorum is not required for adjourned meeting.
15. FUNDS : Funds of the Complex can be raised by collecting membership fee and annual fee Rs.2500/- per member per year by 30th April, aids from Govt. and non-Governmental agencies, Donations and by other means not in contraventions of any provision of law of the land as decided by the Complex from time to time and the funds of the Sahodaya Schools Complex shall be deposited by opening an account in any of the Nationalized Bank or Scheduled Bank or Co-operative Bank jointly by the Secretary/Joint Secretary and the President/Vice- President. The account will be operated jointly by the Secretary/Joint Secretary and the President/Vice- President.
16. AUDIT : The funds of the Complex shall be audited by a qualified charted accountant appointed by Complex and report shall be placed in the General Body Meeting by 30th June of every year.
17. JURISDICTION : For purpose of jurisdiction, the jurisdiction of the Sahodaya Schools Complex shall be the place where its registered office situates from time to time. At present ,for the purpose of jurisdiction it shall be to Muzaffarnagar jurisdiction only.
